Manifestation des droit-de-l'hommistes devant l'ambassade de Gambie au Sénégal.

Jeudi 30 Août 2012

1.Posté par kanilai le 30/08/2012 14:29
Folks, the death penalty is another political witch hunt mechanism for Jammeh. He will ensure that the mercenary judges get wasted before coming to court so that they will falsely jail our people.

The majority of their judgments lacked legal basis. Their decisions are motivated by the Kanilai monster. Jammeh dictates to them as to who to jail. That’s why Senegal should tackle Jammeh by any means necessary since he illegally executed their nationals. If it means attacking the Gambia and depose Jammeh it worth it. He has killed your nationals for nothing. In fact, Tabara Samba was sexually abused while in prison.

Jammeh’s former Prison Director David Colley should be questioned on allegations of abusing female prisoners. He is a womanizer. He was sleeping with female inmates and female prison wardens. Tabara was on his list. Senegal will be shocked to learn how Tabara was abused while in prison. Now that she gone, and she will never come back. Her story will go down the drain. Perhaps, if Macky can get hold of her remains the abuse story could be investigated.

2.Posté par doktooru kajoor le 30/08/2012 14:44
Rien n'est plus moqueur,et donc irrespectueux,que d'appeler les militants des Droits de l'Homme des "droitsdel'hommistes".Tout neologisme ou jeu de mots ne doit pas etre admis sans discernement !!

3.Posté par KOR SIGA le 30/08/2012 15:13
Droits de l'Homme ! Quel homme ? Les 6 premiers de la liste de yaya diameh ont executé l'iman de Kantaour en 2008. Ils l'ont assissiné d'une maniere atroce. auljourdhui on veut les executer les droits de lomiste se levent alors qu'ils etaient là en 2008

4.Posté par chérif aidara le 30/08/2012 15:22
chérif aidara le petit fils de cheikh sadibou aidara grand marabout
est la aujourdhui pour aider ce qui on besoin de lui pour tout les domaines
amour chance reussite travail mariage santé succés dans vos entreprises basé sur le saint coran incha allah kou gneuw sa adio fadiou
thi barké cheikhna cheikh sadibou thi barké yonentebi mouhamad salalahou aleyhi wa salam wa salatou wa salam hairou leumbiya badar ak ouhout
contact ;00221 77 921 57 39 ou sur skype aidara61 merci

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