"Karim Wade arrêté au Maroc en possession de drogue."

"Karim Wade arrêté au Maroc en possession de drogue."
DAKARACTU.COM  "Karim Wade arrêté au Maroc en possession de drogue."' Ce titre, qui barre la une de l'édition de ce jour du journal Le Quotidien, va faire l'effet d'une bombe. Citant un câble de Wikileaks, le journal écrit : "Il y a deux ans, un fonctionnaire de police marocain trop zélé a arrêté Karim Wade à l'aéroport de Casablanca, en possession de haschich. Le ministre d'Etat a été détenu pendant quelque temps, avant d'être libéré sur ordre de Mohammed VI." L'auteur de l'article ajoute : "Cette outrecuidance a valu à l'officier d'être muté dans le Sahara marocain, sans affectation aucune. C'est du moins ce qu'assure une dépêche diplomatique de l'ambassade marocaine de Rabat, reprise par le site wikileaks." Dakaractu va revenir avec plus de détails sur l'environnement de cette affaire et ses nombreuses implications. 

S E C R E T RABAT 000752



E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/02/2019


Classified By: Charge d'Affaires, a.i.,
Robert P. Jackson for reasons 1.4 (b) and (d).

¶1. (S/NF) Summary: Since at least August 14, when according
to Moroccan media police arrested 16 suspected drug barons in
a major operation across the country, the press has been
reporting regularly on some aspect of the GOM,s efforts to
disrupt the drug trade and apprehend those suspected of
involvement in it. From reports of confiscation and
eradication to implication of current or former high-ranking
or elected officials, observers are treated to a steady diet
of drug-related fare. To date, between 110 and 140 tons of
cannabis has been seized although some has reportedly made
its way back to the streets. With the Islamic holy month of
Ramadan underway, one Moroccan likened this both to an
exercise in "cleansing" and to a soap opera, remarking that
every year during Ramadan it seems a scandal of some sort
plays out in the papers. Included in this one is the arrest
of Senegalese Minister of State Karim Wade, son of Senegalese
President Abdoulaye Wade. With drugs center-stage this year,
the scene is SET for off-camera whispering and back-stage
political expediency. End summary.

Two Steps Forward

¶2. (U) Citing a statement from the National Security Service
(DGSN), Moroccan media reported that on August 14 police
arrested 16 suspected drug barons in a major operation in
several cities across the country. Police seized a large
quantity of hard drugs, as well as false documents, including
identity papers and drivers' licenses. They also impounded
vehicles and other equipment. A police source told one
Moroccan daily that many of the arrests were made in the
northern Tetouan and Nador regions of the country. The
source also said the investigation is expected to yield
further information about what he called one of the biggest
drug busts in Morocco this year.

¶3. (U) The action comes on the heels of a major operation
earlier this year in which Moroccan police arrested more than
100 persons, also in Nador. Those arrests included police
officers, gendarmes, sailors and soldiers. A trial date has
not been set, as the prosecution continues to develop the
case. The Public Prosecutor at the Casablanca Court stated
on August 25 that criminal justice applies to all persons
shown to be involved in drug trafficking, regardless of their
title or position.

And Maybe More

¶4. (U) Perhaps indicative of the assertion that there is no
one outside the reach of the law, media on August 31 reported
widely on the arrest of former Member of Parliament Mohammed
Jouahi, considered by some to be among the biggest and most
powerful of the drug barons. Jouahi was, and may still be, a
member of the centrist RNI party; some reports note the party
leadership was quick to assert that he was no longer a
member. Further reports of an ongoing crackdown state that
high-profile arrestees have implicated a number of security
officers and attorneys in several areas of the country.
Journalists have speculated that the current campaign against
drug trafficking in the country has come on orders from the
highest levels.

But One Step Backward

¶5. (S/NF) If it is the highest levels that are directing the
crackdown, they may be directing the outcome of drug
interdiction effort as well. It was reported in mid-August
that a senior police official at the Casablanca airport was
abruptly reassigned to a post with no responsibilities in
Layounne, the Western Sahara. The reasons given varied: one
paper stated it was because he had stopped a relative of an
African leader who was carrying drugs; others claimed it was
due to an unspecified series of professional mistakes,
perhaps even a sexual scandal. Intelligence reports confirm
that it was the former, and that the relative stopped was the
son of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade. The son,
Senegalese Minister of State for International Cooperation,

Land Use, Air Transport and Infrastructure Karim Wade, was
apparently found in possession of hashish while passing
through airport security. King Mohammed VI, with whom Wade
is a close friend, reportedly did not appreciate the actions
of the local authorities who failed to inform him that Wade
had been detained; so he reassigned two officials.


¶6. (S/NF) While reports of the crackdown on the drug trade
in Morocco suggest that authorities continue to focus on the
problem, their efforts are not immune to politicization.
Given that the younger Wade,s arrest could imperil relations
between Morocco and Senegal, one can understand the King's
pique at the Casablanca airport police. Post reported reftel
on the potential impact of drug eradication on voter
participation in the June local elections; this latest
incident suggests that, despite the king,s ongoing calls for
judicial reform, apprehension for criminal offense, too, is
subject to political expediency. End comment.

Visit Embassy Rabat's Classified Website;
http://www.intelink.sgov.gov/wiki/Portal:Moro cco

Mardi 13 Septembre 2011

Du plus récent au plus ancien | Du plus ancien au plus récent

8.Posté par Moustapha le 13/09/2011 12:22
A l'attention de certains lecteurs,je veux préciser qu'il ne s'agit pas de croire ou de ne pas croire à Wikileaks.Ce site n'a pas fait des investigations pour balancer les infos qu'il diffuse,Il s'est procuré un document confidentiel qui n'était pas destiné à lui pour le divulguer au grand public.En wolof on dira que Wikileaks wakhoul dafa diotali.Et ce n'est pas par ce que son fondateur,Julian Assange, est accusé de pédophilie que tout ce qui émane de Wikileaks est faux. Alors le débat ne se situe pas à ce niveau et au lieu de jeter le discrédit sur la personne qui a balancé ces informations qui du reste sont très sensibles, on ferait mieux de marquer une pause pour appréhender l'amplitude des dégâts que peuvent occasionner nos dirigeants, la profondeur des bassesses qu'ils peuvent atteindre pour conserver leurs priviléges ou conquérir le pouvoir et l'absence d'humanité vis à vis de leurs populations qui les caractérisent.

7.Posté par bodian le 13/09/2011 12:21
Tellement faux. Après avoir dit tout ça, plus rien à dire sur Karim Wade.

6.Posté par astou le 13/09/2011 12:04
Franchement je ne gobe pas wade family mais je ne crois plus à ces histoires sorties de tout bord et n'importe comment. wikileaks momm je ne crois plus au sérieux de leurs publications et les journalistes doivent enquêter et nous édifier sur la crédibilité de ce site.

5.Posté par Cheikhou le 13/09/2011 11:48
@Sadikh, le patron de wikileaks n'a rien a avoir avec ca. ceci est un cable dimplomatique de l'ambassade des Etats Unis au Maroc.

Karim Rasta-faray !

4.Posté par pisco le 13/09/2011 11:45
Rien de surprenant, notre pays est vraiment tombé bien bas et le pire est à venir. QUELLE HONTE POUR TOUS NOS ANCIENS QUI ONT FAIT LA DIGNITE DU SENEGAL . PUTAIN, EXCUSEZ MOI JE NE SAIS PLUS QUOI DIRE.

3.Posté par Rokhaayaa le 13/09/2011 11:44
Karim dafay mande waleu dafaye diaye lo bouneli li douyna war de

2.Posté par Aziz le 13/09/2011 11:41
Ce sont les huissiers de justice qui vont être contents. Cet Ambassadeur va lui aussi recevoir une sommation interpellative et une plainte s'en suivra ! Karim Wade va battre le record de procès en diffamation. Que tous les ambassadeurs US se préparent à recevoir des sommations ! ;)

1.Posté par sadikh le 13/09/2011 11:39
personnellement je ne crois rien de ce que dit wikileaks.le patron de wikileaks est dans de sale draps de pedophilie pourkoi ne pas nous s'en informer mieux vous nous racontez des mmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............

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