Karim Wade réagit au câble de Wikileaks relatif au blanchiment d'argent.

DAKARACTU.COM Nous publions in extenso le communiqué du service de communication de Karim Wade, suite à la diffusion par dakaractu d'un câble de Wikileaks.

Karim Wade réagit au câble de Wikileaks relatif au blanchiment d'argent.
Le site d’informations générales sénégalais dénommé www.dakaractu.com s’est fait l’écho, hier 4 septembre 2011 d’un télégramme émanant de Madame Marcia Bernicat, ancien Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis au Sénégal, "câble diplomatique" qui aurait fait l’objet d’une récente divulgation par le site Wikileaks.
Partant de ce "câble diplomatique" traitant du projet de cession de la participation de l’Etat dans SONATEL, www.dakaractu.com a eu à titrer : "Cession à France Télécom des 28% de l'Etat dans Sonatel : "Les grandes lignes d'un plan secret de blanchiment d'argent de Karim Wade".

Il ressort de cet article des propos infondés et diffamatoires, prêtés à Madame Marcia Bernicat à l'encontre de Mr Karim Wade.
Ces accusations sont d’une extrême gravité.

Ce câble diplomatique aurait reproduit également des propos mensongers et d'une extrême gravité imputés à Monsieur Sogué Diarisso, Cadre à la Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (BCEAO) anciennement détaché auprès du Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances.
Pour autant que de tels propos aient été tenus, il serait pour le moins surprenant qu’une Autorité comme l’ancien Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis au Sénégal ait pu les rapporter dans un cadre diplomatique destiné à son administration centrale, sans prendre soin d’en vérifier au préalable la fiabilité, la crédibilité et l’authenticité.
Monsieur le Ministre d'Etat Karim Wade ne peut ni tolérer de telles accusations, ni que de tels propos soient tenus à son encontre, propos portant gravement atteinte à son honneur et à sa considération.

Avant de réserver la suite judiciaire appropriée à la publication de l'article incriminé, Monsieur Karim Wade invite Madame Marcia Bernicat et Monsieur Sogué Diarisso à fixer l'opinion publique nationale et internationale sur les propos qui leur sont prêtés.
A défaut de réaction de leur part, après la publication du présent communiqué, Monsieur Karim Wade entend donner la suite judiciaire qui s'impose.
Fait à Dakar, le 5 septembre 2011

Service de Communication

Ministère de la Coopération Internationale,

des Transports Aériens, des Infrastructures et de l’Energie (MICITIE)
Lundi 5 Septembre 2011

Du plus récent au plus ancien | Du plus ancien au plus récent

1.Posté par DOUDOU le 05/09/2011 21:22
"la fiabilité'?c est quoi?les sources de l ambassade ou le cable ?De qui se moque t on? La dame devrait elle s'expliquer des infos quelle delivre à son administration centrale ou contredire le fameux cable qui a emporté ben ali?Mais de quoi ils nous parlent?je ne comprend rien de ce "démenti":j'aimerai bien comprendre........à yérim?wikileaks?ou les infos des usa par le biais de son ambassadrice?Pffffffff

2.Posté par Sly le 05/09/2011 21:27
Retenez moi sinon je vous traine en justice, quel enfantillage. Si vous estimez avoir subit un préjudice alors il faut ester en justice ainsi tout le monde sera fixé. Arretez vos gesticulations inutiles et ridicules.

3.Posté par Citoyen le 05/09/2011 22:24
Qui se sent morveux se mouche.

4.Posté par zeuz le 05/09/2011 21:50
karim vs étes nul c'est tout .vs étes le ministre le plus nul de l'histoire du sénégal.

5.Posté par Negs le 05/09/2011 23:39
Mais ce gosse la il est vraiment con. Legui s'il veut faire une poursuite judiciaire, ce sera contre qui. Wikileaks a revele des cables Bcp plus important et le petit veut encore faire le malin. Pour qui se prend -il? De tte façon, s'il veut encore faire l'enfant gate, il n'a qu'à utiliser son propre fric et qu'il nous laisse le notre de grace.

6.Posté par MOUSS le 05/09/2011 22:55
KARIM est un voyou à col blanc; mais kil sache ke c terminer;il ira droit en taule;car Ses actes ne peuvent etre impunis;faut pas rever.CE PETIT NS PRENDS POUR DES MOUTONS DE PANURGES;.tU AURAS DES COMPTES à RENDRE;wait and see.

7.Posté par lui le 06/09/2011 00:31
karim nous fait chier (un membre du PDS)

8.Posté par Aziz le 06/09/2011 00:33
Mais ki mo fèkh ! Karim, même ton père n'ose pas porter plainte contre Bernicat et tu sais bien que ta plainte ne sera pas recevable et nous n'avons AUCUNE raison de ne pas croire aux propos de l'Ambassadrice. Mais une prière : mène ce combat avec TON PROPRE argent et NON le nôtre : PAS AVEC L'ARGENT DU SÉNÉGAL !

Et ce serait bien si tu pouvais nous donner la preuve que tu étais aussi riche que tu le prétends avant l'accession de Wade GRÂCE À NOUS au Pouvoir. Montre-nous tes billetins de paie et les preuves que tes bonus atteignaient des milliards de francs alors que tu n'es sorti que de Sorbonne, ni Polytechnique, ni Harvard ni même de HEC, Essec, Escp ni même de Dauphine et après un Master 1 que tu n'as eu qu'après 7 ans à l'Uni au lieu de 4 (mais tu as fait mieux que Souleymane Ndéné Ndiaye - le 1er Ministre le plus nul de l'histoire du Sénégal de l'Antiquité à nos jours) ! Toi qui n'as jamais connu d'échec ! "Vous savez Mamadou Ibra, je n'ai jamais connu d'échec dans ma vie !" Ahahahahaha Karim tu es drôle ! Ahahahahahaha ! Karim tu es plus fort que Sanekh !

9.Posté par Mor le 06/09/2011 01:19
QUESTION: Karim a-t-il demandé la publication d'un tel démenti sur le site source à savoir wikileaks?

Certainement NON. Pourquoi? Suivez mon regard...

CONCLUSION: Le ridicule ne tue pas au Sénégal!

10.Posté par Mor le 06/09/2011 01:21
Décidément, Karim est vraiment le fils de son père...

11.Posté par Aziz le 06/09/2011 02:10
CYS, Karim Wade ne te respecte pas sinon comme le dit effectivement Mor, c'est à Wikileaks et Julian Assange qu'il se serait addressé. La seule chose qu'il vise, c'est une prise de position (qu'il obtiendra en l'apeurant) de ce Sénégalais Sogue ou je ne sais comment en sa faveur genre en se faisant interviewer et en saisissant l'occasion pour se déculotter àla manière du thuriféraire à la Habib Mbaye que Karim Wade a sans totalement terrifié. Il ne faut pas l'oublier, les poltrons (pour juste quelques actes de vandalisme, le 27 juin dernier, Karim Wade terrifié a quand même réveillé Bourgi pour demander l'intervention des drônes de l'OTAN et des troupes au sol) sont des as dans l'art d'effrayer et complètement terrifier le genre de personne qu'est Habib Mbaye !

12.Posté par Correction le 06/09/2011 02:28
CYS, Karim Wade ne te respecte pas sinon, comme le dit effectivement Mor, c'est à Wikileaks et Julian Assange qu'il se serait addressé. La seule chose qu'il vise, c'est une prise de position de Sogue Diarisso en sa faveur genre. Ce qu'il obtiendra en le terrifiant au point qu'il vienne se faire interviewer par toi et se déculotter à la manière du thuriféraire à la Habib Mbaye. Il ne faut pas l'oublier, les poltrons sont des as dans l'art d'effrayer le genre de personne qu'est Habib Mbaye ! Pour juste quelques actes de vandalisme, le 27 juin dernier, Karim Wade terrifié a quand même réveillé Bourgi pour demander l'intervention des drônes de l'OTAN et des troupes au sol.

13.Posté par Jambar le 06/09/2011 02:50
J'ai passé mon week end à parcourir les cables de Wikileaks sur le Senegal. L'image de Wade et surtout celle de Karim sont ternies chez les USA et aussi chez les diplomates Français. Karim finira trés mal.
Guys, check out these cables below. Enjoy !

4. (C) SENEGAL remains very troubling, and France views
President Wade's all-encompassing priority as retaining power
and then assuring that his son, Karim, is able to take over.
Wade has already requested that the ruling PDS party
begin to support Karim so that he can become the
mainstream leader and not just the head of the youth-oriented
spinoff, "the Generation of Concrete." Bigot also believes
another government reshuffle is in the offing, the results of
which will also support Karim's position. Likewise, Wade's
recent moves to change the structure of local governments,
effectively increasingly politicizing regional government, is
clearly an effort to undercut the gains made by SENEGAL's
opposition coalition during last year's local elections.

5. (C) Bigot finds credible reports that President Wade may
try to manipulate SENEGAL's constitution in order to hold
elections in late 2010 or early 2011, rather than in 2012 as
scheduled. Wade likely realizes that neither he nor Karim
could win in 2012, without massive fraud, which the country
and international community could not abide. However, with
the political opposition still fractured, and with Wade's
skillful doling out of patronage monies and positions, Wade
likely could win a rushed election. According to Bigot,
former PM Idrissa Seck agrees with this scenario.

6. (C) Bigot explained that during his December 2009 visit
to SENEGAL he met with the top GOS officials, senior
opposition leaders, union officials, religious leaders, and
French business people. Bigot was surprised by the unanimity
of the opposition to Wade's rule. Nobody was willing to
support Wade, or his son, remaining in power after 2012.
Common complaints were Wade's misuse of public funds (for the
Monument to the African Renaissance and other pet projects),
his preference for opaque deals with China, Arab countries,
and Iran, and especially, the significant rise in corruption
-- with Karim Wade being singled out: "il mange beaucoup
trop" (he eats too much). The French companies told Bigot
that until two years ago corruption in SENEGAL was not too
bad, but now it's "a matter of state policy." The French
Consul General told Bigot that lately there has been a very

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significant increase in consular fraud, which is widely
believed to be orchestrated by Karim and his cohorts. This
includes providing diplomatic and official passports to those
not qualified, as well as furnishing official travel
documents for non-existent TDY missions.

7. (C) The IMF's recent, largely positive review of
SENEGAL's public finances is also troubling, in Bigot's view.
He said it does not reflect the reality of the country's
fiscal mismanagement and corruption, and is likely the result
of the IMF trying to gloss over its relationship with SENEGAL
in light of the "Segura affair" in which the former IMF
resrep departed SENEGAL with a valise full of money from
President Wade. In Bigot's opinion, despite apparently
informing his bosses of the incident and returning the money,
Segura made a huge mistake in accepting the valise, and he
never should have traveled with it. In the end, the IMF
looks worse than SENEGAL and "Wade won the game," in Bigot's

8. (C) When asked about the situation in the restive
Casamance region, Bigot said that Wade is likely realizing
that his previous strategy for maintaining a basic level of
security -- namely, to "send lots of envelopes stuffed with
cash to strategic players" -- is no longer working.
Therefore, perhaps Wade is willing to finally negotiate
seriously. However, Bigot does not have a clear sense of
what Wade's actual goals are for the Casamance.

9. (C) Bigot suggested that the U.S. and France coordinate
on strong messages to President Wade so that he "doesn't go
too far." We should be clear that "we hold him responsible
for SENEGAL's democracy." We should also note that we are
concerned about the possibility of violent social unrest, but
that Wade can take positive steps to reverse this trend.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lebou Ndoye
To: Bass Diene
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 2:14 am
Subject: RE: wikileaks

Very interesting,

thanks a lot bro'....we will talk tonignt

Best Regards,
Akane Ndoye

To: akanendoye@hotmail.com
Subject: wikileaks
From: bassdiene@aol.com
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 19:00:00 -0400


Des messages intéressants: ceux-ci juste avant les locales de 2009.
Enjoy !
2009-03-09 09:42:00
Embassy Dakar
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 DAKAR 000290



E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/09/2019

REF: A. A) DAKAR 109
B. B) 08 DAKAR 825

Classified By: DCM JAY T. SMITH FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D)

1. (C) SUMMARY: With local elections less than three weeks
away, the country has entered a period of intense
campaigning. One of the key battles will be in Dakar, where
President Abdoulaye WADE has finally made a move to slip his
son KARIM into the political arena by including him on his
party's list to position him to capture the office of Mayor
of Dakar. To many, KARIM is the archetypal eminence grise
with overarching control over much of SENEGAL's political and
economic life. End Summary

2. (C) With a budget close to (CFA) 35 billion (USD 70
million), Dakar is by far the largest municipality in SENEGAL
and thus a potential springboard for any ambitious
politician. The current mayor of Dakar, Pape Diop, heads the
ruling Democratic Party of SENEGAL's (PDS) list for the city,
but it is widely expected that should the PDS be victorious
he will step aside in order to allow KARIM to take the job.
In SENEGAL's complicated hybrid plurality-wins/proportional
representation system, it is the municipal council, made up
of a city's district mayors (19 in the case of Dakar) and
their deputies plus the winning list of the election for the
city itself that will get together after the elections to
vote for the Mayor of Dakar. Depending on how the PDS fares
in the districts, KARIM may yet have an uphill battle even
if, as is widely expected, the PDS wins in Dakar proper.

3. (C) To most observers, KARIM's entry into the political
arena is no surprise. Speculation had been rife as to how
his father would present him to the SENEGALese people. That
being said, his entry was done with very little fanfare and
his placement of fourth on the list is an acknowledgement
that he does not carry much weight in terms of votes.
However, even though his placement on the list is "low key,"
if elected, KARIM will be eligible to be selected as the
Mayor of Dakar. KARIM could draw upon the credibility of
being Mayor to also run or perhaps be appointed to the
National Assembly, to a cabinet position, or even as
president of the Senate (which would make him the
Constitutional successor in the event that President WADE
dies in office or steps down prematurely). This, according
to some commentators, would make it easier for the President
to manage the succession.

4. (C) The SENEGALese people are strongly divided over
whether or not KARIM could win a presidential election in
2012 or sooner. Many believe that KARIM would be
unacceptable for not being "SENEGALese8 enough (given that
he is half French, spent much of his life out of SENEGAL and
is not a Wolof speaker); others have indicated a general
distaste for hereditary leadership. When asked about the
prospects of a KARIM presidency, most SENEGALese scoff at the
idea, saying, "it can't happen, the people won't accept
this." However, others note that SENEGALese elections are
largely about money, that broad constituencies can be "bought
off" through patronage or directives by leading marabouts
(Muslim religious leaders). In this regard, KARIM is
certainly well positioned to wield political influence,
SENEGALese style.

Who is KARIM?
5. (C) For the most part KARIM WADE is an enigmatic figure,
who has so far let others do much of the talking for him in
public. He is rarely seen in public, and when he is it is
usually with his father. He has done very few press events.
KARIM's first major foray out of the shadows was when he was
placed in charge of the Agence National Pour l'Organization
de la Conference Islamique (ANOCI), the agency that was
tasked with organization of the March 2008 Organization of
the Islamic Conference (OIC) summit in Dakar. He oversaw the
construction of a number of high profile infrastructure
projects and he was also the President's envoy/courier to the
Middle East. The amount of money that was spent for the
summit remains as yet unknown but it is widely believed that
KARIM has embezzled a significant amount of funds. In the
diplomatic community, KARIM is now known as Mr. Fifteen
Percent (up from Mr. Ten Percent when Poloff arrived at post
in early 2007).

6. (C) His role within his father's entourage as a Special
Economic Advisor remains nebulous, but he is widely
considered to be the President's top advisor and strategist.
Up until his inclusion in the list for the Mayor's job, KARIM
purposefully kept a low profile in order to avoid competing

DAKAR 00000290 002 OF 003

with his father. It is strongly rumored that his mother,
Vivianne WADE, is the major force behind his candidacy and
that President WADE only recently came around to the idea
that his son might take his place. During the early part of
his presidency, the leading candidate to succeeded WADE was
his political protg and "spiritual son" Idrissa Seck, the
former presidential chief of staff and prime minister. After
an extended spell in the political wilderness following his
unceremonious fall from grace, Seck is now back in the PDS
after having negotiated some sort of reconciliation with the
President (Ref B). Many observers believe that President
WADE wants his son to succeed him in order to protect his
legacy and also his family from possible allegations of

7. (C) The organization of the OIC summit revealed KARIM to
be a micromanager as he not only took charge of
infrastructure related to the conference but also ran the
diplomatic relations linked to the conference, even going as
far as picking the color of the badges that each attendee was
to wear. On the day of the opening of the summit, KARIM was
seen by one his deputies, a close embassy contact, cleaning
dust off the tables where key guests were to sit. This same
contact added, "KARIM does not trust the civil servants of
the SENEGALese Government, which is why he has set up his own
parallel structure at ANOCI. He is a cold-blooded person.
He smiles when you get him angry and then he settles his
scores. KARIM is too goal-driven. His father has the human
touch and this is something that the SENEGALese people like."

8. (C) The OIC was also a key link to KARIM's role as point
man for SENEGAL's relations with the Arab world. As reported
in Ref A, KARIM is reportedly a close friend of the King of
Morocco, and it is through the King's personal introduction
to dignitaries from the Gulf States that KARIM has been able
to negotiate huge investment deals and financial support for
SENEGAL -- and greatly profit personally. These deals
include the proposed USD 800 million Special Economic Zone to
be built and run by Dubai's Jafza International. President
and son WADE reportedly placed a very large sum of money
donated by Arab countries for the OIC summit into private
accounts to be used as a political slush fund.

9. (C) KARIM also effectively parlays contacts from his days
as an investment banker with UBS Warburgh in Paris and
London. Most major projects in SENEGAL are handled by
financial advisors close to KARIM - Morocco's BMCE Capital
(commonly referred to as "KARIM's Bank"), and Rothschild's
Bank of London ("KARIM's special bank"). BMCE is in charge
of the new airport, the toll road, the sale of the President
Meridien Hotel, and many other projects. Rothschild's is
implicated in a backroom scheme to sell the government's
shares of Sonatel Stock and other non-transparent deals.

10. (C) By all accounts, KARIM's Wolof is poor and he is much
more comfortable speaking in French. A former Minister of
Culture, Ahmed Tidiane Wone, who is advising him, told the
Embassy that prior to a speech in a populous neighborhood of
Dakar, he told him to say in Wolof "I apologize because my
Wolof is not hot" before continuing in French. Wone said
that this had a great effect as people laughed, commenting
that his Wolof was not so bad. KARIM has also been making
sure to court the country's religious leaders. He recently
offered large quantities of prayer mats and sound systems to
dozens of mosques in poor areas across the country. More
importantly and most symbolically, KARIM accompanied his
father to Touba where he was officially presented to the
Khalife-General of the Mouride brotherhood, Serigne Bara
Mbacke. During this presentation, WADE told the Khalife,
"KARIM is clean and honest. He left everything in Europe to
come here in order to support my campaign, even though he had
many business dealings in Europe. He gives me great
satisfaction and is among one of my closest confidantes, a
man to whom I can confide everything."

Generation du Concret
11. (C) Likely in anticipation of future political ambitions,
KARIM, with WADE the father's support, created a new
political group, The Generation of Concrete (GC), even as he
maintained a low political profile. GC was created to
mobilize young SENEGALese to act as foot soldiers for the
PDS. The GC has also proven an effective and complementary
vehicle to ANOCI to help KARIM maintain huge influence over
infrastructure and special projects in SENEGAL. The ANOCI,
though originally designed to be disbanded at the end of
2008, shows no signs of disappearing. In fact, there are
credible reports that ANOCI continues to undercut ministries
and national agencies for money and influence. Habib Mbaye,

DAKAR 00000290 003.4 OF 003

Minister-Counselor at the Presidency and Financial Advisor to
President WADE, and a childhood friend of KARIM's, admitted
last year what most people in Dakar believe -- no significant
business deal takes place without KARIM's participation.

12. (C) For these elections the GC is taking a backseat to
the PDS proper, "Look if they want to run in these elections
they are welcome to, but they need to wait their turn like
everybody else. I'm sure they will contribute something, but
they will do so under the aegis of the PDS. There is no
question of supplanting the PDS with the GC," said Abdou
Fall, who is the 2nd Vice-President at the National Assembly
and close confident of the President. This was confirmed by
Valdiodio Diouf, a close confident of KARIM's, "We're not
going to make a big deal about where our candidates have been
placed on the lists; they will win anyway. We don't want to
make this election about KARIM and the GC. If we put KARIM
at the top of the list, then the whole dynamic of the race in
Dakar changes. We'll keep a low profile for now."

13. (C) But tensions are clearly high between PDS stalwarts
and GC upstarts, many of whom are young professionals who
returned to SENEGAL from the United States or Europe. "Don't
be fooled," says political science professor, Mamadou Camara,
"as far as WADE is concerned, this election is about the PDS
and the GC. This is why they won't be postponed. When he
told his party's governing bureau that whoever loses needed
to resign from the party, he was serious. In this way he can
ease out some anti-KARIM forces within the PDS by using their
electoral defeat as an excuse. The GC is growing, but doing
so quietly. Commissions have been set up on key issues and
they are being led by some big fish that for the moment
prefer to keep a low profile. The GC will be presented as a
fully formed entity when the time is right."

14. (C) In his role as a Special Adviser to his father KARIM
has maneuvered some allies into key positions. These include
the Minister of Energy, Samuel Sarr; the Minister of Justice,
Mandicke Niang; the Minister of Labor, Innocence NTap; the
Minister of Youth, Mamdou Lamine Keita; the Minister of
Agriculture, Amath Sall; and the Minister of Family, Awa
Ndiaye. Another key ally is Abdoulaye Balde who is currently
the Secretary-General of the Presidency. Balde is at the
same time the Director-General of ANOCI and is running to be
Mayor of Ziguinchor. Aminata Niane, a Minister-Counselor and
head of APIX, SENEGAL's investment promotion agency (and
implementer of President WADE's "Grand Projects"), is another
key ally.

15. (C) KARIM WADE is a master at being concurrently out of
the spotlight and ever-present. Ministers are scared of him,
business people are cowed by him, and major policy decisions
are vetted by him. He is, by all accounts, charming and
smart, and he tells donors what they want to hear. But, his
influence is pervasive, and, in our view, largely C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 DAKAR 000290



E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/09/2019

REF: A. A) DAKAR 109
B. B) 08 DAKAR 825

Classified By: DCM JAY T. SMITH FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D)

1. (C) SUMMARY: With local elections less than three weeks
away, the country has entered a period of intense
campaigning. One of the key battles will be in Dakar, where
President Abdoulaye WADE has finally made a move to slip his
son KARIM into the political arena by including him on his
party's list to position him to capture the office of Mayor
of Dakar. To many, KARIM is the archetypal eminence grise
with overarching control over much of SENEGAL's political and
economic life. End Summary

2. (C) With a budget close to (CFA) 35 billion (USD 70
million), Dakar is by far the largest municipality in SENEGAL
and thus a potential springboard for any ambitious
politician. The current mayor of Dakar, Pape Diop, heads the
ruling Democratic Party of SENEGAL's (PDS) list for the city,
but it is widely expected that should the PDS be victorious
he will step aside in order to allow KARIM to take the job.
In SENEGAL's complicated hybrid plurality-wins/proportional
representation system, it is the municipal council, made up
of a city's district mayors (19 in the case of Dakar) and
their deputies plus the winning list of the election for the
city itself that will get together after the elections to
vote for the Mayor of Dakar. Depending on how the PDS fares
in the districts, KARIM may yet have an uphill battle even
if, as is widely expected, the PDS wins in Dakar proper.

3. (C) To most observers, KARIM's entry into the political
arena is no surprise. Speculation had been rife as to how
his father would present him to the SENEGALese people. That
being said, his entry was done with very little fanfare and
his placement of fourth on the list is an acknowledgement
that he does not carry much weight in terms of votes.
However, even though his placement on the list is "low key,"
if elected, KARIM will be eligible to be selected as the
Mayor of Dakar. KARIM could draw upon the credibility of
being Mayor to also run or perhaps be appointed to the
National Assembly, to a cabinet position, or even as
president of the Senate (which would make him the
Constitutional successor in the event that President WADE
dies in office or steps down prematurely). This, according
to some commentators, would make it easier for the President
to manage the succession.

4. (C) The SENEGALese people are strongly divided over
whether or not KARIM could win a presidential election in
2012 or sooner. Many believe that KARIM would be
unacceptable for not being "SENEGALese8 enough (given that
he is half French, spent much of his life out of SENEGAL and
is not a Wolof speaker); others have indicated a general
distaste for hereditary leadership. When asked about the
prospects of a KARIM presidency, most SENEGALese scoff at the
idea, saying, "it can't happen, the people won't accept
this." However, others note that SENEGALese elections are
largely about money, that broad constituencies can be "bought
off" through patronage or directives by leading marabouts
(Muslim religious leaders). In this regard, KARIM is
certainly well positioned to wield political influence,
SENEGALese style.

Who is KARIM?
5. (C) For the most part KARIM WADE is an enigmatic figure,
who has so far let others do much of the talking for him in
public. He is rarely seen in public, and when he is it is
usually with his father. He has done very few press events.
KARIM's first major foray out of the shadows was when he was
placed in charge of the Agence National Pour l'Organization
de la Conference Islamique (ANOCI), the agency that was
tasked with organization of the March 2008 Organization of
the Islamic Conference (OIC) summit in Dakar. He oversaw the
construction of a number of high profile infrastructure
projects and he was also the President's envoy/courier to the
Middle East. The amount of money that was spent for the
summit remains as yet unknown but it is widely believed that
KARIM has embezzled a significant amount of funds. In the
diplomatic community, KARIM is now known as Mr. Fifteen
Percent (up from Mr. Ten Percent when Poloff arrived at post
in early 2007).

6. (C) His role within his father's entourage as a Special
Economic Advisor remains nebulous, but he is widely
considered to be the President's top advisor and strategist.
Up until his inclusion in the list for the Mayor's job, KARIM
purposefully kept a low profile in order to avoid competing

DAKAR 00000290 002 OF 003

with his father. It is strongly rumored that his mother,
Vivianne WADE, is the major force behind his candidacy and
that President WADE only recently came around to the idea
that his son might take his place. During the early part of
his presidency, the leading candidate to succeeded WADE was
his political protg and "spiritual son" Idrissa Seck, the
former presidential chief of staff and prime minister. After
an extended spell in the political wilderness following his
unceremonious fall from grace, Seck is now back in the PDS
after having negotiated some sort of reconciliation with the
President (Ref B). Many observers believe that President
WADE wants his son to succeed him in order to protect his
legacy and also his family from possible allegations of

7. (C) The organization of the OIC summit revealed KARIM to
be a micromanager as he not only took charge of
infrastructure related to the conference but also ran the
diplomatic relations linked to the conference, even going as
far as picking the color of the badges that each attendee was
to wear. On the day of the opening of the summit, KARIM was
seen by one his deputies, a close embassy contact, cleaning
dust off the tables where key guests were to sit. This same
contact added, "KARIM does not trust the civil servants of
the SENEGALese Government, which is why he has set up his own
parallel structure at ANOCI. He is a cold-blooded person.
He smiles when you get him angry and then he settles his
scores. KARIM is too goal-driven. His father has the human
touch and this is something that the SENEGALese people like."

8. (C) The OIC was also a key link to KARIM's role as point
man for SENEGAL's relations with the Arab world. As reported
in Ref A, KARIM is reportedly a close friend of the King of
Morocco, and it is through the King's personal introduction
to dignitaries from the Gulf States that KARIM has been able
to negotiate huge investment deals and financial support for
SENEGAL -- and greatly profit personally. These deals
include the proposed USD 800 million Special Economic Zone to
be built and run by Dubai's Jafza International. President
and son WADE reportedly placed a very large sum of money
donated by Arab countries for the OIC summit into private
accounts to be used as a political slush fund.

9. (C) KARIM also effectively parlays contacts from his days
as an investment banker with UBS Warburgh in Paris and
London. Most major projects in SENEGAL are handled by
financial advisors close to KARIM - Morocco's BMCE Capital
(commonly referred to as "KARIM's Bank"), and Rothschild's
Bank of London ("KARIM's special bank"). BMCE is in charge
of the new airport, the toll road, the sale of the President
Meridien Hotel, and many other projects. Rothschild's is
implicated in a backroom scheme to sell the government's
shares of Sonatel Stock and other non-transparent deals.

10. (C) By all accounts, KARIM's Wolof is poor and he is much
more comfortable speaking in French. A former Minister of
Culture, Ahmed Tidiane Wone, who is advising him, told the
Embassy that prior to a speech in a populous neighborhood of
Dakar, he told him to say in Wolof "I apologize because my
Wolof is not hot" before continuing in French. Wone said
that this had a great effect as people laughed, commenting
that his Wolof was not so bad. KARIM has also been making
sure to court the country's religious leaders. He recently
offered large quantities of prayer mats and sound systems to
dozens of mosques in poor areas across the country. More
importantly and most symbolically, KARIM accompanied his
father to Touba where he was officially presented to the
Khalife-General of the Mouride brotherhood, Serigne Bara
Mbacke. During this presentation, WADE told the Khalife,
"KARIM is clean and honest. He left everything in Europe to
come here in order to support my campaign, even though he had
many business dealings in Europe. He gives me great
satisfaction and is among one of my closest confidantes, a
man to whom I can confide everything."

Generation du Concret
11. (C) Likely in anticipation of future political ambitions,
KARIM, with WADE the father's support, created a new
political group, The Generation of Concrete (GC), even as he
maintained a low political profile. GC was created to
mobilize young SENEGALese to act as foot soldiers for the
PDS. The GC has also proven an effective and complementary
vehicle to ANOCI to help KARIM maintain huge influence over
infrastructure and special projects in SENEGAL. The ANOCI,
though originally designed to be disbanded at the end of
2008, shows no signs of disappearing. In fact, there are
credible reports that ANOCI continues to undercut ministries
and national agencies for money and influence. Habib Mbaye,

DAKAR 00000290 003.4 OF 003

Minister-Counselor at the Presidency and Financial Advisor to
President WADE, and a childhood friend of KARIM's, admitted
last year what most people in Dakar believe -- no significant
business deal takes place without KARIM's participation.

12. (C) For these elections the GC is taking a backseat to
the PDS proper, "Look if they want to run in these elections
they are welcome to, but they need to wait their turn like
everybody else. I'm sure they will contribute something, but
they will do so under the aegis of the PDS. There is no
question of supplanting the PDS with the GC," said Abdou
Fall, who is the 2nd Vice-President at the National Assembly
and close confident of the President. This was confirmed by
Valdiodio Diouf, a close confident of KARIM's, "We're not
going to make a big deal about where our candidates have been
placed on the lists; they will win anyway. We don't want to
make this election about KARIM and the GC. If we put KARIM
at the top of the list, then the whole dynamic of the race in
Dakar changes. We'll keep a low profile for now."

13. (C) But tensions are clearly high between PDS stalwarts
and GC upstarts, many of whom are young professionals who
returned to SENEGAL from the United States or Europe. "Don't
be fooled," says political science professor, Mamadou Camara,
"as far as WADE is concerned, this election is about the PDS
and the GC. This is why they won't be postponed. When he
told his party's governing bureau that whoever loses needed
to resign from the party, he was serious. In this way he can
ease out some anti-KARIM forces within the PDS by using their
electoral defeat as an excuse. The GC is growing, but doing
so quietly. Commissions have been set up on key issues and
they are being led by some big fish that for the moment
prefer to keep a low profile. The GC will be presented as a
fully formed entity when the time is right."

14. (C) In his role as a Special Adviser to his father KARIM
has maneuvered some allies into key positions. These include
the Minister of Energy, Samuel Sarr; the Minister of Justice,
Mandicke Niang; the Minister of Labor, Innocence NTap; the
Minister of Youth, Mamdou Lamine Keita; the Minister of
Agriculture, Amath Sall; and the Minister of Family, Awa
Ndiaye. Another key ally is Abdoulaye Balde who is currently
the Secretary-General of the Presidency. Balde is at the
same time the Director-General of ANOCI and is running to be
Mayor of Ziguinchor. Aminata Niane, a Minister-Counselor and
head of APIX, SENEGAL's investment promotion agency (and
implementer of President WADE's "Grand Projects"), is another
key ally.

15. (C) KARIM WADE is a master at being concurrently out of
the spotlight and ever-present. Ministers are scared of him,
business people are cowed by him, and major policy decisions
are vetted by him. He is, by all accounts, charming and
smart, and he tells donors what they want to hear. But, his
influence is pervasive, and, in our view, largely
insalubrious. After the elections are over, and assuming
WADE fils is successful, it should then become more readily
discernable as to whether WADE pere is indeed plotting a
scheme to ensure that KARIM succeeds him. End Comment.
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O 090942Z MAR 09

14.Posté par djigo. le 06/09/2011 04:34
Jusqu'au tribunal karim.Courage.

15.Posté par IKXX le 06/09/2011 07:51
Ohohoh Souvenir souvenir le ou la ministre la plus nul ou nulle a été nommée par IDY : la thiessoise qui n'avait : même pas pris fonction après vient KARIM MEISSA WADE

16.Posté par papy le 06/09/2011 08:07
Quatre points importants constituants des lecons a retenire sur les cables.
1- Le Ndigeuls des Marabouts sont relegues en position secondaire, elections locales 2009 oblige.
2- L'achat des consciences et des votes sont relegues en position secondaire, idem 2009 oblige.
3- La succession monarchique est et reste toujours de mise, la peur des poursuites apres Wade oblige.
4- Wade n'a pas de strategie pour la Casamance, la crise restera ENTIERE pour le prochain president a resoudre.

RESULTAT: Le PDS va perdre le pouvoir en 2012 Inchala.

17.Posté par Extar le 06/09/2011 08:25
Pourquoi ce n'est pas Meissa (il faut utiliser ce prenom ) lui meme qui fait le dementi. Oh pardon, le prince ne salit pas les mains pour ecrire mais pour prendre seulement des billets de banque.
Meissa non seulement tu nous voles mais tu n'es ni intelligent ni courageux.

18.Posté par Icarus le 06/09/2011 09:00
Ministère de la Coopération Internationale, des Transports Aériens, des Infrastructures et de l'Energie...
Par quelle pirouette sémantique a-t-on jugé pertinent de mettre le mot "ministère" au singulier ? Le Service de Communication de M. K.M.Wade prend les sénégalais pour des débiles mentaux, ou c'est tout comme.

19.Posté par Aboubacar Banda SENE le 06/09/2011 09:58
"...propos portant gravement atteinte à son honneur et à sa considération. ..". Nous ne savions pas que vous avez UN HONNEUR Mr Karim Wade. Lâchez-nous les baskets si vous y êtes encore...

20.Posté par Faye le 06/09/2011 11:55
Icarus, la pirouette semantiue que tu cherches est cachee dans la virgule. Je trouve que c'est simplement pathetique et imprudent de la part de Karim de gesticuler de cette maniere.

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