Le lendemain de son investiture, Tanor va recevoir la visite de Ségolène Royal et de diplomates français

Le lendemain de son investiture, Tanor va recevoir la visite de Ségolène Royal et de diplomates français
DAKARACTU.COM  Le jeudi 5 janvier, à 9h, au lendemain de son investiture, le secrétaire général du Parti socialiste (PS), Ousmane Tanor Dieng, va recevoir une délégation du Parti socialiste français conduite par Ségolène Royal, l'ex-candidate à la présidentielle française de 2007, présidente de la région Poitou Charentes, poids lourd de la vie politique hexagonale. Mme Royal, ex-compagne de François Hollande, favori dans les sondages de la présidentielle de mai 2012, vient apporter le soutien de sa formation au PS avec lequel elle siège au sein de l'Internationale socialiste. Elle sera accompagnée de diplomates de l'ambassade de France à Dakar.   
Mardi 3 Janvier 2012

1.Posté par Le Rufisquois le 03/01/2012 17:18
Quelle est l'annee de Naissance de Cheikh Gainde Fatma?

2.Posté par ibou le 03/01/2012 21:27
1922 0u 1923

3.Posté par Serigne Touba le 03/01/2012 22:10
Demande aux gérants des bars de Mbacké ou aux putes kil baisé au pluriel en gémissant. EUsseukay

4.Posté par de montreal le 03/01/2012 23:57
Thieye Tanor, Thieye PS! Heureusement que ca ne sera pas demain la veille votre retour au pouvoir.

5.Posté par Connie le 04/01/2012 04:04

Joe Trippi
Political advisor
Senegal: Wade's George Washington Opportunity
Posted: 01/ 2/12 07:26 PM ET

It's a story we've heard before -- an African country makes huge strides before its leader decides his own tenure is more important than his country's future. He ignores or changes the constitution, while voters lose faith in their government and institutions. Progress halts. And this tale could end up as one of the most tragic yet.
In February, voters will go to the polls in Senegal -- a critical U.S. ally and, until now, a beacon of hope in the region: one of the freest systems of government in Africa, an economy growing and diversifying, and a foreign policy focused on African and Western cooperation. Now a constitutional crisis looms.
Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade officially announced last week that he would seek a third term. His announcement came six months to the day after citizen-driven protests and riots in the streets of Dakar forced him to withdraw a plan to change the constitution that would have made it easier for him to win re-election.
The current constitution was approved in 2001 -- while Wade was president -- and it imposed a two-term limit on the nation's president. After his re-election in 2007, President Wade said he would abide by the two-term pledge. Yet, now he says that the new constitution does not apply to him because he was first elected in 2000, before the constitution officially took effect.
President Wade should respect his country's constitution and not seek a third term.
Last week, four members of Congress, including Delaware Senator Chris Coons, sent a letter to President Wade urging him to do exactly this: step aside when his current term expires in February.
The outrage is taking place within Senegal too. In the wake of the June 23rd protests, a movement called M23 was created and last Friday, more than 10,000 people gathered at the Place d'Obeslisque, in downtown Dakar, to counter President Wade's announcement. They urged the 85 year-old leader to respect their country's laws and urged fair, free elections on Feb. 26.
Voice of America has also issued this call:
We urge President Wade to adhere to the spirit of his country's constitution and to facilitate the transfer of power through free, transparent and credible elections. The voting must reflect the will of the Senegalese people and adhere to the constitution. Senegal has an opportunity to set an example for the orderly transfer of power in Africa. We call on all stakeholders to ensure that the election is free, fair and peaceful.
Last April's free and fair elections in Nigeria gave promise to the region, as did September's free and fair elections in Zambia that saw the opposition candidate win and end 20 years of one-party rule. Africa was let down by November's polls in the Democratic Republic of Congo -- tarnished by violence, rigging and intimidation. Now it's Senegal's turn to be a leader and to put African democracy back on track.
This starts with President Wade. He has an opportunity to write his own legacy -- to demonstrate that his country and the institution of democracy is greater than any one man. Decades earlier, Wade was the opposition leader, railing against abuses of power and speaking about what was best for the nation of Senegal. He needs to rediscover this leader. By stepping down from February's election he would not be tarnishing himself but, rather, passing the torch of democracy and opening the doors to a new era for Senegal. This is President Wade's George Washington opportunity. He should take it.

Joe Trippi, heralded on the cover of The New Republic as the man who “reinvented campaigning,” was born in California and began his political career working on Edward M. Kennedy’s presidential campaign in 1980. His work in presidential politics continued with the campaigns of Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, Richard Gephardt and Howard Dean.

As a campaign manager, Trippi has run presidential, Senate, gubernatorial and mayoral campaigns. He was selected by former Vice President Walter Mondale to manage Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses in 1984 and later went on to run several key states for the Mondale for President campaign. In 1988, Trippi was the Deputy National Campaign Manager for Richard Gephardt’s presidential campaign.

In 2004, he was National Campaign Manager for Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, pioneering the use of online technology to organize what became the largest grassroots movement in presidential politics. Through Trippi’s innovative use of the internet for small-donor fundraising, Dean for America ended up raising more money than any Democratic presidential campaign in history, all with donations averaging less than $100 each. Trippi’s innovations have brought fundamental change to the electoral system and will be the model for how all future political campaigns are run.

6.Posté par augustin le 06/01/2012 00:41
kan ton marche sans destination vo mieu retourner a son point de depart.donc le ps revienne vo bcou mieu k macky et idy ki ont attendu detre destitué pour jouer o suporter du peuple.le ps o moin a tjrs était constant dans combat et assume pleinema c erreur alors k dan lotr kan on ve nous fair croire kil non rien a voir avec wade et son pouvoir.pour mw wade vo mieu keu car lui o moin assume et croit a une ideologie.macky et idy sont osi coupable k wade.kil arretent de se foutre de nous

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