Alain Juppé sends to Wade his Benghazy lessons

Alain Juppé sends to Wade his Benghazy lessons
DAKARACTU.COM-  ‘’Abdoulaye Wade has to apply himself the lessons of democracy which he gave to Kaddafi in Benghazi. " Such is the assassinating and little diplomatic sentence the French Foreign Secretary, Alain Juppé, hurled to the Senegalese Head of State. The minister of the French diplomacy reacted to a question while he was auditioned in the French National Assembly on the foreign policy of France. Senegal worries more and more since a project of constitutional reform harmful to the democratic experiences was presented by the Head of State to the Parliament before being removed thanks to a popular revolt which installed the country in a climate of tangible tension.Refusing to make it in the diplomatic set language, Juppé expressed himself unadorned, according to his bare style which aims at making France find its sentinel's role of democracy and human rights in the world. Sign of time: It is in front of the Bourbon palace, the siege of the French National Assembly where Juppé held his comments that the Senegalese living in Europe have decided today to gather to demonstrate against the drift of Wade's regime and require his departure of power in February, 2012 in the term of his second and last mandate. "

Mercredi 6 Juillet 2011

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