Le site américain "Guardianlv.com" demande à Michelle Obama d’apprendre à Marième Faye à bien s’habiller (Vidéo)

Le site américain "Guardianlv.com" demande à Michelle Obama d’apprendre à Marième Faye à bien s’habiller (Vidéo)
La presse américaine a bien suivi la première Dame du Sénégal qu’elle a comparé à Michelle Obama. De l’avis du site "Guardianlv.com", Michelle Obama devrait apprendre à Mariéme Faye à s’habiller correctement. Ce site américain vient de dire tout haut, ce que tout le monde disait déjà dans tous les foyers du Sénégal. Marième oublie qu’à travers sa personne, c’est l’image du Sénégal qui est perçue. Son mari grossit d’heure en heure, elle s’habille comme un épouvantail...

Cliquez sur ce lien : http://guardianlv.com/2013/06/michelle-obama-can-teach-senegals-first-lady-marieme-faye-about-travel-fashion-video /

Le site américain "Guardianlv.com" demande à Michelle Obama d’apprendre à Marième Faye à bien s’habiller (Vidéo)

Dimanche 30 Juin 2013

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81.Posté par mami le 01/07/2013 10:57
C est une vraie dame Sénégalaise qui s'habille à la sénégalaise comme toutes les femmes sénégalaises qui ne sont pas complexées d'etre Sénégalaise. mbidaan veut dire employée si je ne me trompe pas donc toutes les femmes du monde qui travaillent sont des mbidaan .

82.Posté par mami le 01/07/2013 11:11
wa ani sama commentaire

83.Posté par dimkha le 01/07/2013 12:39
RamaJuly 1, 2013 at 4:27 amOur first lady does not need to learn from Michelle Obama, we love the way she dressed. Let us with our culture and our first ladyReplyKhadyJuly 1, 2013 at 4:26 amYou don’t need to judge the senegalese fashion according to your american fashion criteria. What she have put is in line with senegalese fashion. In senegal, we found Michelle not well dressed. In our culture, a woman of her age shouldn’t be dressed like a team.ReplyTinaJuly 1, 2013 at 4:06 amlol…Mr. Barr…you just wanted to be noticed by publishing this stupidity, right?ReplymimacousouJuly 1, 2013 at 4:01 amnonsenseReplySymply NicoJuly 1, 2013 at 3:04 amNonsense reporting. Write something worth readingReplyPingback: Ma première Dame, je l’aime comme elle est. (Par le Boytown) : Le Magazine du BoytownAichaJuly 1, 2013 at 1:42 amOur first lady doesn’t need what you so call a “travel fashion”, she was just visiting a girls’ high school in Dakar. Then, even if she was travelling she doesn’t need any advice to be able to dress appropriatly, the senegalese people are very pleased about the way she dressed, she is culture-oriented. We really estimate her because of her great way of showing the senegalese culture instead of copying others.ReplyMbyJuly 1, 2013 at 1:19 amI just wonder why on earth a senegalese woman commuting for 12 minutes in her own hometown would need lessons of “travel fashion”. This First Lady dressed like if she was home, because SHE IS!ReplyATL-DKJuly 1, 2013 at 12:59 amOkay Thomas…everybody is entitled to their own opinion (that’s what a politically correct me would say!). Unfortunately for you i am not! F@ck you and your article you simple-minded twat! You americans think that it is your way or no way. Yea right!! The Guardian should fire your a$$ for this article! get a life MoFo!!ReplyOmarJune 30, 2013 at 8:41 pmI just wonder why on earth a senegalese woman commuting for 12 minutes in her own hometown would need lessons of “travel fashion”. This First Lady dressed like if she was home, because SHE IS!… Whoever wrote this article needs lessons of…let’s just say everything about traveling. The tone of this article is somehow very colonial. Would the author compare FLOTUS’ attire with that of the Empress of Japan, if she happened to wear a Kimono to receive the Obamas? For my part, i found both of them very elegant.ReplyMelodyJune 30, 2013 at 8:39 pmThomas you are entitle to your opinions or point of view. And we can see that Fashion is not your area of expertise. If we start to all dress alike, the world will be such a boring place. Senegal’s first lady Marieme Sall is perfectly fine the way she presented herself. At least she did not try to change her style to fit in. She represented senegalese culture well. Please compare what is comparable. Next time you are thirsty for attention find a different subject.This article is an insulte to a whole culture. SUCH A MORON!ReplyGlobalised BoyJune 30, 2013 at 7:50 pmThomas Barr you’re Simply a stupid guy! It’s no need publishing this kind of article to get the attention or comments from people. You don’t know anything about african culture. I think it’s time for you to get back to school and take some course of philosophic !!ReplyNeferti T DiopJune 30, 2013 at 7:41 pmWhat a nonsense. Reflects on American stupidity. The World is made with different cultures, traditions, and and style of clothing. I am sure Mrs Obama woud NEVER approve of such retarded articleReplyProud of her first ladyJune 30, 2013 at 6:33 pmThis is such a stupid suggestion ! All senegalese people has always want to have a senegalese first lady who represents proudly our nation and our culture ! So she doesn’t have anything to learn about fashion from ms obama even she is so pretty everytime ! Our first lady’s style is what we like and that’s the only thing important so please don’t talk about a culture you don’t know ! PeaceReplyAbdoulJune 30, 2013 at 5:13 pmto each his own… Mrs Sall has nothing to learn from the first lady. I am sorry but you should compare what’s comparableReplyBaJune 30, 2013 at 5:00 pmWhy do you want her to get dressed like Michelle? They come from different worlds and then they wear different clothes. Can Michelle go to Saudi Arabia and have the queen wear a skirt or dress like hers

84.Posté par maxim ngom le 01/07/2013 13:18
depuis notre indépendance jusqu'à nos jours, la première dame sénégalaise ,au palais présidentielle, c'est marième faye. ay toubab kessé étaient à cotés de nos trois précédents de la république. nit déy fonk culturame. mme sall finga japp fofula. nous sommes derrière vous.

85.Posté par Sassy Ndiole Faye le 01/07/2013 13:38
Michelle OBAMA , fort sympathique du reste n a pas de culture originelle

Elle s habille chez les couturiers

Pour une fois que nous avons une première dame qui honore nos boubous , sent du bon thiouraaye et rougeur de bons plats du terroir , certains lui jettent la pierre

Soyons dignes et encourageons Mareme dans ce sens

Sénégalais = l'enquête mou oil suer séné gaamou

86.Posté par helsing le 01/07/2013 16:55
Dakaractu.com n'as rien compris, c'est pas Guardian mais c'est un blogger comme quelqu'un qui a compte sur vce site écrirai.

87.Posté par Koumerboko le 02/07/2013 10:53
Yow Marieme Sall dagna mounoul def THIOUP bou tok made in africa, wala robou tak made in NGAYE MEKHE waye investiture brodé AUTRICHE, visite Obama Bazin GESTNER, réception Caedas, PENJAB made in INDE. Maisou sont vos soi disant conseillères?

88.Posté par mounasse le 02/07/2013 22:16
Je desteste les cpmplexés d'ailleurs c'est ce qui a la cause de notre pauvreté. Mais elle s'est bien s'habillée. sé michel jn sé koi lagnou khamoul loumo solle ni mouye melni toubabe bou pauvre bouye démé marché té parégoule rackhasse aye bolame. je suis tres fiere de son habillement: respect Mne sall.amercicain khamou gnou senne bopp

89.Posté par mounasse le 02/07/2013 22:28
wa sama commentaire

90.Posté par congolis le 09/07/2013 16:05
Desolée, je ne vois pas en quoi Michelle Obama est mieux habillée que la dame.

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